Evangelos Venizelos, ‘Religious Freedom for Muslims: A Challenge to the Historical Foundations and Resilience of European Constitutionalism’, in: Mark Hill, Lina Papadopoulou (eds), Islam, Religious Liberty and Constitutionalism in Europe, Hart Publishing, 2024, pp 17-30
- Ev. Venizelos, Prologue in: "Islam and Human Rights in the European Union", Proceedings of the XXXIInd Annual Conference Thessaloniki, 23–25 September 2021, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Editorial Comares, 2022 [PDF]
Ev. Venizelos, Greece's participation in the European integration as a national constitutional decision validated in the crisis’s cauldron, Hellenic Review of European Law (HREL), 2021 pp. 1-16 [PDF]
- Ev. Venizelos, Greece's participation in the European integration as a national constitutional decision validated in the crisis’s cauldron, Hellenic Review of European Law, 2021 - special issue for the 40th anniversary of Greece’s accession of the European Communities (Forthcoming 2022)
Prepublication SSRN & Academia
- Evangelos Venizelos, Ultra Vires Review and the Shift of Legal Orders. in: Hélène Gaudin, Eugenie Prevedourou , Christina Deliyanni (eds) Le droit européen, source de droits, source du droit. Etudes en l'honneur de Vassilios Skouris. Mare & Martin, 2022, pp 675-688 [PDF]
Prepublication: SSRN & Academia
- Evangelos Venizelos, From the relativization of the Constitution to the “augmented Constitution” , ERPL/REDP, vol. 32, no 3, autumn/automne 2020, pp 973-1017 [PDF]
- “The Prespa Agreement as an example of prevalence of the monist approach in the relationship between the national Constitution and International Law”, Contribution to Liber Amicorum in honor of Prof. Svetomir Škarić (forthcoming)
URL: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3867306
- Evangelos Venizelos, “The pandemic as a challenge to liberal democracy and the protection of fundamental rights”, in Petros Vasiliadis (ed), The Church in a period of Pandemic, (CEMES Publication 2020) pp 19-24
*Εισήγηση στο διεθνές webinar, που διοργανώθηκε από το Center of Ecumenical, Missiological, and Environmental Studies (CEMES) στις 6-11/4/2020, με θέμα «FAITH AND COVID-19»
Speech at the international webinar, organized by the Center of Ecumenical, Missiological, and Environmental Studies (CEMES) at 6-11/4/2020, on «FAITH AND COVID-19»
- "Passive and Unequal: The Karlsruhe Vision for the Eurozone". Published on Verfassungsblog- On Matters Constitutional, May 27, 2020
[ Link: https://verfassungsblog.de/passive-and-unequal-the-karlsruhe-vision-for-the-eurozone/
PDF: https://evenizelos.gr/images/stories/pdf/BVerfG_comment_
Verfassungsblog_EvVenizelos_2752020.pdf ]